Halo sobat blogger semua, beberapa hari ini saya agak sibuk jadi update blog tertunda. Malam ini saya akan bagikan windows modif dari saudara saya carlos langsung aja di cek yah.............
Original Size: 595 mbNew Size: 358 mb (Difference of 237 mb)
(This is the Size of the ISO)
This supports ALL Languages and ALL Keyboard Layouts.
This is a FULL Install. You CANNOT Upgrade from previous versions of Windows. There is no validation required. This PASSES WGA. This works 100% with Windows Update.
I have included the CD-Key already in the install process. This means at no point will you have to enter it.
Some people using Macs or Virtual Machines might need the serial. See Serial.txt if you do need it.
Serial.txt is located in the download folder and in a folder on the disc/iso.
This has all windows updates through November 2010. This is has been tested numerous times with no errors.
This has minimalist Internet Explorer 6. (Use It To Download Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome, Etc)
This is the x86 version (32Bit).
Sama seperti biasa setelah download semua part, masing masing di rename dan hapus extensi .rar paling belakang jadi seperti di bawah: This supports ALL Languages and ALL Keyboard Layouts.
This is a FULL Install. You CANNOT Upgrade from previous versions of Windows. There is no validation required. This PASSES WGA. This works 100% with Windows Update.
I have included the CD-Key already in the install process. This means at no point will you have to enter it.
Some people using Macs or Virtual Machines might need the serial. See Serial.txt if you do need it.
Serial.txt is located in the download folder and in a folder on the disc/iso.
This has all windows updates through November 2010. This is has been tested numerous times with no errors.
This has minimalist Internet Explorer 6. (Use It To Download Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome, Etc)
This is the x86 version (32Bit).
Windows XP Pro Performance Edition SP3 November 2010.rar.001
Windows XP Pro Performance Edition SP3 November 2010.rar.002
Windows XP Pro Performance Edition SP3 November 2010.rar.003
Kemudian join file pake hjsplit, lalu di ekstrack pake winrar dengan password: carlos_roy_fajarta@idws
file sudah berbentuk iso di burn pake nero,power iso atau ultra iso. Siap di Instal. Kalo belum ada cd kosong, di coba aja dulu pake vmware atau virtual pc yang udah gua share juga.
link download indowebster
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Kumpulan Software Gratis

Title Post: Microsoft Windows XP Pro Performance Edition SP 3 November 2010
Rating: 100% based on 99998 ratings. 5 user reviews.
Author: Unknown
Thanks for visit my blog, if you want question please contact us
Rating: 100% based on 99998 ratings. 5 user reviews.
Author: Unknown
Thanks for visit my blog, if you want question please contact us
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kepada sobat blogger semua mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanannya, server 28 idws saat ini sedang gangguan
pantesan dari tadi error terus
Bozz sukur gw dah dongdot ... btw dah test belum? maklum untuk ngeflash phone takut ada box yg gk support .... btw thank boss
@sriwijaya1224, saya sendiri belum coba. kalau mau di instal baiknya windows lamanya di backup aja dulu pake norton ghost atau software clone drive yg lain, biar aman jika gagal kan windows lama bisa kembali lagi utuh tanpa perubahan apapun. terimakasih telah berkunjung. ajaklah teman dan saudara untuk mengunjungi blog ini hehe.... :)
ohh iya agan....ini teh semua file yang di part pake Hjsplit ato ada yang biasa di ekstrack pake winrar....??
maap ya agan sering comment.hehe :D
Kalo yang ini di join pake hjsplit sob, ada juga sih beberapa windows yang saya share di blog ini joinnya pake winrar biasa, yah tergantung keterangan di postingannya, tapi jangan lupa sebelum join nama filenya di rename dulu kayak di postingan di atas. Tutorial join pake hjsplit ada di sini Terima kasih ya sob telah memberikan komentar/pertanyaan.....:)
ohh iyya gan....Xp SP3 peformance tuhh apa yang di unggulinnya???
file file yang ga penting di hapus ??
ehh gan...katanya ada Xp buat nge game...tapi ga bisa pake koneksi internet??
namanya kalo ga salah Xp Gamer Edition...ga tau SP berapa tuhh....
kalo ada share ya jangan lupa...hehe
gak bisa di join pake hjsplit.mohon bantuannya
@faz, Windows xp ini keunggulannya dari segi performanya yang cepat faz,karena file2 yang kurang penting seperti languange dll telah di hapus. Untuk Xp Gamer Edition saya sudah temukan tapi linknya masih belum di lokalin. Ditunggu aja ya.......:)
yang gak bisa join pale hjsplit mohon di baca lagi cara join di atas dengan benar, terimakasih telah berkunjung.....:)
yg ini kok susah banget di donlot ya,padahal udah unlock http://www.mediafire.com/?wmjzllwbbyh#1 trims....
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