Main features
- Bug Free version of Windows Xp Bariski Edition a.k.a Windows Xp Awesome Edition
- All updates till February 2008
- Much more faster than any version out there in its category
- Can now be tested on VMWare and Microsoft Virtual PC
- It pass the "Windows Genuine Advantage" checks
- No user interaction is needed while installation i.e. Unattended Installation
- Windows Updates Downloader (No need to go to Microsoft website to download updates)
- Most essential VB Runtime files
- Windows Post Install menu with most commonly requested programs & songs during installation
- Support for all Languages and all Keyboards
- 5 Driver Packs inlc. Chipset, CPU, LAN, Massstorage, WLAN
- Over 90 most demanding Softwarez included with cracks, wherever needed, & are the latest editions as of Feb 2008
- 26 new Flash Games
- Exciting 44 new wallpapers, 7 extra most demanding themes included, Cool Screensavers
- Extreme Vista Pack Optional
- Windows Vista Aero Glass theme, Vista Rocket Dock
- Windows Vista Sidebar (Optional)
- Windows Vista Solitaire
- Extended Control Panel
- Annoying text during installation of Windows removed
- Windows Vista drive indicator (shows a bar under your drive icon) Optional
- More than 160+ registry tweaks to make using Windows easier and Faster than ever
- Services configuration files included to reduce memory use
- Bariski's Shrink Xp batch files to strip Windows "on the fly"
- Bariski's Edition of Xp requires 1024x768 Monitor Resolution, <128mb Ram, <1Ghz Processor, ~1.38GB Free Space [Excluding WPI Softwares].
- Is optimized for slow Pc's and can be customized for Fast Pc's [Read instructions below]
- This release is kept to a CD sized ISO so anyone can use it
- Bug Free version of Windows Xp Bariski Edition a.k.a Windows Xp Awesome Edition
- All updates till February 2008
- Much more faster than any version out there in its category
- Can now be tested on VMWare and Microsoft Virtual PC
- It pass the "Windows Genuine Advantage" checks
- No user interaction is needed while installation i.e. Unattended Installation
- Windows Updates Downloader (No need to go to Microsoft website to download updates)
- Most essential VB Runtime files
- Windows Post Install menu with most commonly requested programs & songs during installation
- Support for all Languages and all Keyboards
- 5 Driver Packs inlc. Chipset, CPU, LAN, Massstorage, WLAN
- Over 90 most demanding Softwarez included with cracks, wherever needed, & are the latest editions as of Feb 2008
- 26 new Flash Games
- Exciting 44 new wallpapers, 7 extra most demanding themes included, Cool Screensavers
- Extreme Vista Pack Optional
- Windows Vista Aero Glass theme, Vista Rocket Dock
- Windows Vista Sidebar (Optional)
- Windows Vista Solitaire
- Extended Control Panel
- Annoying text during installation of Windows removed
- Windows Vista drive indicator (shows a bar under your drive icon) Optional
- More than 160+ registry tweaks to make using Windows easier and Faster than ever
- Services configuration files included to reduce memory use
- Bariski's Shrink Xp batch files to strip Windows "on the fly"
- Bariski's Edition of Xp requires 1024x768 Monitor Resolution, <128mb Ram, <1Ghz Processor, ~1.38GB Free Space [Excluding WPI Softwares].
- Is optimized for slow Pc's and can be customized for Fast Pc's [Read instructions below]
- This release is kept to a CD sized ISO so anyone can use it
Installation of Windows Xp Awesome Edition Reloaded include the following items,
these are all automatically installed along with Windows:Quote:
.Net Framework v1.0 SP1 & v2.0
28 Most demanding Fonts
4 All time hit eye catching Screensavers
7 New extra desktop Themes
44 Big resolution Wallpapers
Absolutist Flash Games v1.0.1
AIO Cursors Addon Pack v1.9 (Aero, Aero II, BlackSpins V3 (9 Flavors), Chrome Glass, Conrast Black & White, Fedora, Fedora Inverse, Gant cursors 2006 vol 1, Gant cursors 2006 vol 2, Mac OS X Aqua, Mac OS X Aqua Swirl, Mac OS X Graphite, Mac OS X Graphite Swirl, Mac OS X Radioactive, Mac OS X Rainbow Swirl, OSX4XP, VistaPlastic (S&W), xFree, XZ-B-ONE, XZ-B-ONE Light Cursor Packs)
CalcPlus v1.3
Control Panel Extensions all-in-one pack v8.0.3 (autoplay,Bootsafe,bootvis,cpuz,Cttype,DFX,GPU-Z,hdtune,HWMonitor,ieclean,infotool,memtest,msconf ig,MSI,regedit,remove,Services
Aero, CrystalXP, EyeBall XP, Luna, Luna Element 4, Nile, Plex Style II, Royale Blue and RoyaleMod Themes
Cool Screensavers
CopyMessageBox v2.2
DirectX DLL Libraries #24 to #33
Driver Packs vChipset v7101, CPU v7041, LAN v7121, MassStorage v801, WLAN v712
Drive Snapshot v1.36
FlashGet (Without Google toolbar) v1.9.6.1073
HashCalc v2.02
iColorFolder v1.4.2
Internet Explorer v7.0.5730.13
Modded RocketDock with Vista icons v1.3.5
SaveSystemRamMemorythruServices Allows you to shut unwanted services from the system
ServicesPE v1.0a
SPTD v1.55 (Needed by softwares like Daemon Tools, Alcohol etc.)
Vista Aero Glass Theme v4 Fixed
Tweaked Windows Media Player v11.0.5721.5237 (With default option of queue of media files)
Windows Media Player exclusive Skin
WMP Lyrics Plugin v0.3
Windows Genuine Advantage v1.7.59.1 (Updated) Crack
Windows Snapshot Maker v1.1 Beta 4
Windows Update Downloader
WinsockxpFix v1.2
My computer
Other added items in system32:
cdimage.exe (Lets you make ISO's on the command line)CDR.exe (This is what's used on the right click of optical drives to close the CD tray)
lame_enc.dll (Many encoding programs require this for MP3 encoding)
On-Screen Keyboard (osk.exe)
oscdimg (For Microsoft internal use only. Helps you make ISO files as of Vista DVD)
layout.dll (This gives you the "Save desktop icon layout" option on right click of Recycle Bin)
makecab.exe (More up to date version that actually works)
pskill.exe (Kill processes on the command line, without needing switches)
sleep.exe (Make a batch command file pause for a given period of time)
reschange.exe (Video Resolution Changer 3.01 from 12noon.com)
Video res changer
Windows Post Install Menu
Classic Start Menu
Default Start Menu
Xclusive Vista Start Menu
These programs are installable from the "Install Programs"
icon on your Desktop. You need to have the Awesome Reloaded Xp CDin your CD drive for these items to install:
Advanced Batch Converter v3.9.76
AIO SysInternals Tool Kit v5.6 Build 3408 Includes: {CLI Tools[Location SYS32], SysInternals Process Explorer[10.21], Process Monitor[v1.0], Autostart Program Viewer[8.61], New SID Generator[v4.1], Sysinternals Registry Monitor[v7.4], Sysinternals Screen Magnifier[v1.21], SysInternals BSOD ScreenSaver[v3.2], AccessEnum[v1.32], Autologon configuration[v2.1], BGInfo - Wallpaper Text Configurator[v4.9], Disk Monitor[v2.0.1], DiskView[v2.21], File System Monitor[v7.3], PortMonitor[v3.0.2], ShareEnum[v1.3], TCP/UDP endpoint viewer[v2.4], Winobj[v2.15]}
Cryptext v3.30
Daemon Tools Lite v4.12
Easy-Hide-IP v1.5.44
ESET Nod32 Smart Security v3.0.621.0
Folder Lock v5.8.0
Foxit PDF Reader Pro v2.2 Build 2129
Google Hacks v1.5
HJSplit PRO v0.3 Beta
J2SE Runtime Environment v5.0 Update 14
K-Lite Mega Codec Pack v3.6.5
LimeWire Pro v4.17.1
Macromedia Flash Player v9.0.115.0
Microsoft Office 2003 Professional SP2 Lite v11.6568.6568
Miranda IM v0.6.8
Mozilla Firefox v2.0.0.11
Mozilla Thunderbird v2.0.0.9
MP3 Cutter Joiner v2.20
Nero v8.2.8.0 Micro
Network Magic v4.1.7039
Notepad++ v4.7.5
Nsauditor Network Security Auditor v1.1.18.0
Opera Browser v9.25 Build 8827
PCMesh Anonymous Web Surfing v5.2
PeerGuardian v2.0 Beta 6b
PowerISO v3.9
Prio - Process Priority Saver v1.9.8
Thoosje Quick XP Optimizer v2
ThumbView Lite v1.0
TinyPic Image Uploader v1.8
Total Video Converter v3.11
TotalCopy v1.20 (Luki Edition)
Tuneup Utilities 2008 v7.0.7991
Ultimate Defrag v1.52
Universal Extractor v1.5
Unlocker v1.8.5
uTorrent v1.7.7 Build 8179
VideoLAN VLC media player v0.8.6d
Winamp v5.52
Windows Live Messenger v2008 Build 8.5.1302.1018
WinRAR v3.71 Corporate Edition
Your Uninstaller! PRO 2008 v6.1.1231
Unattended Software Installation
Software Installation Wizard
Xclusive Display Properties + Task Manager
Additional Mouse Pointers + Total Copy + Screensaver
System Properties, Run Command, Winamp
TurnOff Screen
File sudah berbentuk iso. Silahkan Di download di link indowebster tercinta.
File Size 698.93 Mb. Jangan lupa komentarnya ya.
Kumpulan software Gratis

Title Post: Windows Xp Awesome Edition Reloaded V2
Rating: 100% based on 99998 ratings. 5 user reviews.
Author: Unknown
Thanks for visit my blog, if you want question please contact us
Rating: 100% based on 99998 ratings. 5 user reviews.
Author: Unknown
Thanks for visit my blog, if you want question please contact us
ane kykny customer prtama iaa sob....
trus maju KSG.....
sob btw ane request windows vista yg ultimate dunk... tp yg udah dlam bntuk iso... jd tnggal di burn.... ad g sobb...
iya neh yang pertama untuk windows vistanya ada sob, ntar ane posting ya.....
makasih komentarnya
shob ane perlu coreldraw x3 + tutorialnya ada nggak ya ? thx
mantap gan, lanjuttt !
can you make tutorial about windows modification? pleasa to me.
sobb ane perlu windows pirated edition donk..mohon link nya...tapi format iso ya...hehe
thank.s ya sobb
@cubex, kalau link lokal belum ketemu bro, di tunggu aja ntar kalau udah ada kita share di sini.
gan... ane udah download tuh Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP 3 2010 v10.11 tapi pas di join terus di ekstrak file nya ko error...???
apa mungkin pas udah di download nya harus di rename dulu nama file part 1,2,3 dst...???
soalnya CRC failed mulu....gmana nih gan???
mohon bantuannya...
udah di rename dengan file extensi 001 file terus di join tapi pas di ekstrack nya ko masih gagal ya gan....padahal udah 3 Xp di download...
Xp SP 3 2010 v10.11
Xp Pro Peformance
sama Xp ini awesome..
ahh gagal dehhh tuhh 2 XP
gan..please bantuannya !!
@faz, saya lagi pergi keluar kota bro, nih baru bisa internetan, udah 4 hari ga update blog, mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanannya.
oh iya gan...nahh ini kan udah di back up sama ane tuhh file iso windows ini..tapi gan..ko ga muncul press any key to boot from cd...ga ada setup windows nya lagi...gmana nih gann??
cara nginstall nya???
mohon bantuannya...
soal pirated edition ane punya torrent file nya...tapi ga tau gmana download nya....kalo pake torrent downloader lama banget gan...
@faz, wah backupnya gimana faz? di masukin filenya ya? kalo pake nero pilih menu burn image to disk baru bisa bootable cd nya.
iya gan....kagak ada boot cd nya...
bisa dibantu kagak gan???
mmmmmmmm......ato mungkin emang ga ada file boot nya di dalam cd???
di liat liat pass dijalanin setup.exe nya ga ada tulisa windows Xp setu tuhh..
emang sengaja di ga adain gan...?? ato mungkin dari sananya gitu..??
gagal dehh di install...ahh
@faz, emang udah bener burn ke cdnya?
udah gan...apap perlu gitu buat boot disk nya biar ada tulisan press any key to boot cd ke tampilan mau nginstall nya...???
terus gmana buat boot disk nya...hehe
gan...pas dimasukin cd juga ga ada tulisan Windows Xp setup.....cuman aplikasi dan utilty nyA aja yang ada...??
suka on Jam berapa gan..??
biar bisa chat langsung??
@faz, Kayaknya ada yang salah deh, sebab filenya kan iso jadi tinggal diburn image aja pake nero. Atau pake ultra iso/power iso klik kanan filenya pilih burn to disc. Ini windows bisa bootable kok udah ane cek, oh iya untuk saat ini ane online gak nentu juga faz, kadang malam kadang siang karena masih di luar kota. untuk file setup kayaknya memang ga ada, memang harus fresh instal lewat booting deh....:)
ohh...iya gan..ntar ane coba lagi..
makasih byak gan..
@faz, okelah kalau begitu....:)
bos ko pas udah proses instaling bloat macet bos ya???...
tetep 39menit aja,
pdhal udh ane tunggu lama, tp gk jalan2
apa emg seprti itu?( time ny gk berjalan)
gan windows'nya knp ghk bisa buka aplikasi sprti mozilla 'nd yg laen ...
tollong bntuan'nya gan ...
gan mau nanya..
kalo dari xp prof trs instal xp awesome data di D atau D ilang ga? terimakasih
Data di drive D gak ilang dong, Kan yang di instal di drive C, jadi data drive D gak usah di ganggu.
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