Saturday, October 13, 2012

How to Use Deep Freeze

Kumpulan Software Gratis
Kumpulan Software Gratis Free Download SoftwareHow to Use Deep Freeze | This time I share about How to Use Deep Freeze - Deep Freeze (shortly DF) is a powerful software that can run on Microsoft operating systems Windows, Mac OSX, and SUSE Linux. This application is compatible with all types of existing operating systems. Deep Freeze (DF) is designed for applications that can be assigned to allow the system administrator to protect the operating system and also change the existing files by restoring and re-conditioned computer system at the initial setup or equal to the original condition whenever restart or shutdown.

Deep Freeze settings can be changed shortly after users log out. DF application is running by doing shutdown after selecting the current time, or can also be done by doing restart or shutdown at a predetermined time, and when you activate this application should be able to make sure no one else left the installation process.

Advantages of Deep Freeze :
  1. Minimize the spread of the virus, because when the virus has begun infecting your computer, then the system will restart and return to the initial conditions
  2. If you accidentally changed the settings on the system, such as control panel or registry, then this application will help you to restore the default settings
  3. This application is suitable for use on networks that use a computer with considerable amounts and are accessed by many people, a case of the cafe.
  4. According to the promo from Faronics (developer), using the Deep Freeze, companies can save on the costs of IT support to 63%.

Deep Freeze 7 is times cooler, 63% more stable.

Disadvantages of Deep Freeze:
  1. If you have forgotten your password then the Deep Freeze system will continue to be in freezing conditions or "freeze / frozen" until you recall the password. However, if the password is still not able to remember, then one solution is to reformat your computer system
  2. Detrimental to users who store files and documents on the drive in - frozen, because the files stored there will automatically disappear
  3. Not allow menggunakanfitur 'recovery file saving', whereby when the flow listri suddenly dies, then the document has not been saved will be lost automatically.
  4. To install new applications, the DF must be disabled first (unfrezee)
  5. To use the DF in a long time result in slow computer performance
How to Use Deep Freeze - How to Install :

In this article, we will give some tips to be able to install the application Deep Freeze in a way that is good and right. The installation process in a way that is less good and less really can make use of the application process to be interrupted and imperfect will make some of the functions of this application is not running perfectly. Defective function of the Deep Freeze installed in addition to the poor and less true, is also caused by a user who forgot the password of deep freeze, and others.

Well, here we convey how the steps - steps to install deep freeee properly:
  • Previous to all of you who do not already have this application, please download it first on download Software
  • Once the application is downloaded, or for those of you who already have it, open the ADF file and run it - it.
  • Then you are asked to specify the version to be executed. Choose according to your computer skills.
  • Run the installation process, wait a while.
Deep Freeze Standard Installation
  • Then when the installation is complete in the process, click the icon was the deep freeze in the system tray icon.
  • Then left click on that icon along with pressing the shift key (shift + left click)
  • There will be 2 icons deep freeze, then you try to click on the both.
  • One of them, when clicked will go directly to the main menu.
  • Then choose Boot Thawed.
Deep Free Boot Thawed
  • Already completed the installation process. Software has been installed perfectly.
  • To use Deep Freeze, click "Apply and Reboot".

How to Use Deep Freeze - Covers
You need to consider that step - a step above can only be run if you use the application version 4, 5, and version to - 6. And we need to remind also that the enterprise version of the DF can not be run with a step - a step above.
Thus we can explain about how to use Deep Freeze on your computer. Good luck and hopefully useful.

Title Post: How to Use Deep Freeze
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Author: Unknown

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